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Imbalanced fault diagnosis of rotating machinery using autoencoder-based SuperGraph feature learning

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第4期   页码 829-839 doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0652-4

摘要: Existing fault diagnosis methods usually assume that there are balanced training data for every machine health state. However, the collection of fault signals is very difficult and expensive, resulting in the problem of imbalanced training dataset. It will degrade the performance of fault diagnosis methods significantly. To address this problem, an imbalanced fault diagnosis of rotating machinery using autoencoder-based SuperGraph feature learning is proposed in this paper. Unsupervised autoencoder is firstly used to compress every monitoring signal into a low-dimensional vector as the node attribute in the SuperGraph. And the edge connections in the graph depend on the relationship between signals. On the basis, graph convolution is performed on the constructed SuperGraph to achieve imbalanced training dataset fault diagnosis for rotating machinery. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on a benchmarking publicized dataset and a practical experimental platform, and the results show that the proposed method can effectively achieve rotating machinery fault diagnosis towards imbalanced training dataset through graph feature learning.

关键词: imbalanced fault diagnosis     graph feature learning     rotating machinery     autoencoder    

Unknown fault detection for EGT multi-temperature signals based on self-supervised feature learning and

《能源前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第4期   页码 527-544 doi: 10.1007/s11708-023-0880-x

摘要: Intelligent power systems can improve operational efficiency by installing a large number of sensors. Data-based methods of supervised learning have gained popularity because of available Big Data and computing resources. However, the common paradigm of the loss function in supervised learning requires large amounts of labeled data and cannot process unlabeled data. The scarcity of fault data and a large amount of normal data in practical use pose great challenges to fault detection algorithms. Moreover, sensor data faults in power systems are dynamically changing and pose another challenge. Therefore, a fault detection method based on self-supervised feature learning was proposed to address the above two challenges. First, self-supervised learning was employed to extract features under various working conditions only using large amounts of normal data. The self-supervised representation learning uses a sequence-based Triplet Loss. The extracted features of large amounts of normal data are then fed into a unary classifier. The proposed method is validated on exhaust gas temperatures (EGTs) of a real-world 9F gas turbine with sudden, progressive, and hybrid faults. A comprehensive comparison study was also conducted with various feature extractors and unary classifiers. The results show that the proposed method can achieve a relatively high recall for all kinds of typical faults. The model can detect progressive faults very quickly and achieve improved results for comparison without feature extractors in terms of F1 score.

关键词: fault detection     unary classification     self-supervised representation learning     multivariate nonlinear time series    

基于特征-模式图的SDN下分布式拒绝服务攻击发现方法 Special Feature on Future Network-Research Article

Ya XIAO, Zhi-jie FAN, Amiya NAYAK, Cheng-xiang TAN

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第9期   页码 1195-1208 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800436

摘要: 由于软件定义网络(software-defined networks, SDN)的开方式结构,软件定义网络环境下的安全威胁已成为一个重要问题。在所有威胁中,分布式拒绝服务攻击(distributed denial-of-service, DDoS)对网络具有巨大影响。本文提出一种基于特征-模式图模型的方法来发现软件定义网络环境下的DDoS攻击行为。所提出的特征-模式图采用网络模式作为节点,将其相似度作为加权边。该图模型可同时表示网络包的头信息和各网络模式之间的关系信息。节点之间的相似度由度量学习和马氏距离表示。所提方法可以基于图的邻近分类模型发现DDoS攻击,并具有自动发现未知攻击的能力且可通过全局或局部插入新节点的方式扩展已有图结构。两个数据集上的实验证明了所提方法在攻击行为检测和图更新任务上的可行性,并证明了本文基于图的模型在DDoS攻击检测上优于对比模型。

关键词: 软件定义网络;分布式拒绝服务攻击;行为检测;距离度量学习;特征-模式图    

NGAT:基于广度和深度探索注意力机制的半监督图表示学习 Research Articles


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第3期   页码 409-421 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000657

摘要: 近年来图神经网络(GNN)在图结构数据表示学习方面取得显著成绩。然而,随着网络层数增加,由于过度平滑问题,基于邻域信息聚合策略的GNN性能恶化,这也是GNN应用于真实图的主要瓶颈。研究人员对直连节点的特征信息聚合过程进行了许多改进,即广度探索。然而,这些模型仅在层数为3或更少的情况下才表现最佳,而在深层情况下性能迅速下降。为缓解过度平滑,本文提出一种嵌套的图注意网络,即基于双重注意力机制的多尺度特征融合模型NGAT,该网络可以半监督形式工作。除广度探索,k层NGAT运用注意力机制引导的分层聚合策略,选择性地利用来自k阶邻域的信息特征,即深度探索。即使对于10层或更深的架构,NGAT也能平衡保留局部性(包括根节点特征和局部结构)和从大型邻域聚合信息的需求。本文在公开数据集上对比了现有图神经网络模型,实验表明本文提出的NGAT模型具备更强的节点嵌入学习能力。

关键词: 图学习;半监督学习;节点分类;注意力机制    

Dynamic simulation of gas turbines via feature similarity-based transfer learning

Dengji ZHOU, Jiarui HAO, Dawen HUANG, Xingyun JIA, Huisheng ZHANG

《能源前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第4期   页码 817-835 doi: 10.1007/s11708-020-0709-9

摘要: Since gas turbine plays a key role in electricity power generating, the requirements on the safety and reliability of this classical thermal system are becoming gradually strict. With a large amount of renewable energy being integrated into the power grid, the request of deep peak load regulation for satisfying the varying demand of users and maintaining the stability of the whole power grid leads to more unstable working conditions of gas turbines. The startup, shutdown, and load fluctuation are dominating the operating condition of gas turbines. Hence simulating and analyzing the dynamic behavior of the engines under such instable working conditions are important in improving their design, operation, and maintenance. However, conventional dynamic simulation methods based on the physic differential equations is unable to tackle the uncertainty and noise when faced with variant real-world operations. Although data-driven simulating methods, to some extent, can mitigate the problem, it is impossible to perform simulations with insufficient data. To tackle the issue, a novel transfer learning framework is proposed to transfer the knowledge from the physics equation domain to the real-world application domain to compensate for the lack of data. A strong dynamic operating data set with steep slope signals is created based on physics equations and then a feature similarity-based learning model with an encoder and a decoder is built and trained to achieve feature adaptive knowledge transferring. The simulation accuracy is significantly increased by 24.6% and the predicting error reduced by 63.6% compared with the baseline model. Moreover, compared with the other classical transfer learning modes, the method proposed has the best simulating performance on field testing data set. Furthermore, the effect study on the hyper parameters indicates that the method proposed is able to adaptively balance the weight of learning knowledge from the physical theory domain or from the real-world operation domain.

关键词: gas turbine     dynamic simulation     data-driven     transfer learning     feature similarity    

基于两级层次特征学习的图像分类方法 Article

Guang-hui SONG,Xiao-gang JIN,Gen-lang CHEN,Yan NIE

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第17卷 第9期   页码 897-906 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500346

摘要: 概要:在图像分类任务中,不同类别之间的相似度是不同的,样本经常被误分到相似度较高的类别中。为了区分高度相似类别中的样本,需要更加具体的图像特征,以便于分类器能够提高分类性能。本文提出了一种新颖、有效的基于深度卷积神经网络的两级层次特征学习框架。首先,不同层次的深度特征抽取器使用迁移学习方法进行训练。然后,从全部类别中抽取的通用特征和从高度相似类别中抽取的具体特征被融合成一个特征向量,并将其输入线性分类器进行分类。最后,基于Caltech-256、Oxford Flower-102和Tasmania Coral Point Count三个图像数据集的实验证明,通过两级层次特征学习的深度特征的表达能力十分强大,与传统的扁平多分类方法相比,我们提出的方法能有效的提高分类精度。

关键词: 迁移学习;特征学习;深度卷积神经网络;层次分类;谱聚类    

Speech emotion recognitionwith unsupervised feature learning

Zheng-wei HUANG,Wen-tao XUE,Qi-rong MAO

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第5期   页码 358-366 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400323

摘要: Emotion-based features are critical for achieving high performance in a speech emotion recognition (SER) system. In general, it is difficult to develop these features due to the ambiguity of the ground-truth. In this paper, we apply several unsupervised feature learning algorithms (including -means clustering, the sparse auto-encoder, and sparse restricted Boltzmann machines), which have promise for learning task-related features by using unlabeled data, to speech emotion recognition. We then evaluate the performance of the proposed approach and present a detailed analysis of the effect of two important factors in the model setup, the content window size and the number of hidden layer nodes. Experimental results show that larger content windows and more hidden nodes contribute to higher performance. We also show that the two-layer network cannot explicitly improve performance compared to a single-layer network.

关键词: Speech emotion recognition     Unsupervised feature learning     Neural network     Affect computing    

联合局部学习和组稀疏回归的无监督特征选择 Regular Papers

Yue WU, Can WANG, Yue-qing ZHANG, Jia-jun BU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第4期   页码 538-553 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700804

摘要: 近十年,特征选择备受关注。通过挑选特征子集,可有效提升学习算法效率。由于难以获取标签信息,无监督特征选择算法相较于有监督特征选择算法应用更为广泛,其关键在于找出更能反映数据分布的特征集合。由于数据集中存在冗余和噪声,使用全部特征并不能很好展现数据的真实分布。为解决这一问题,本文提出联合局部学习和组稀疏回归的无监督特征选择算法。将基于局部学习聚类方法与组稀疏回归算法有机整合,选出有效反映数据流形分布同时保持组稀疏结构的特征。通过迭代算法,回归系数汇聚到重要特征上,选出能得到更优聚类效果的特征。对多个实际数据集(图像、声音和网页)的实验证明了该算法的有效性。

关键词: 无监督;局部学习;组稀疏回归;特征选择    

Deep reinforcement learning-based critical element identification and demolition planning of frame structures

Shaojun ZHU; Makoto OHSAKI; Kazuki HAYASHI; Shaohan ZONG; Xiaonong GUO

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第11期   页码 1397-1414 doi: 10.1007/s11709-022-0860-y

摘要: This paper proposes a framework for critical element identification and demolition planning of frame structures. Innovative quantitative indices considering the severity of the ultimate collapse scenario are proposed using reinforcement learning and graph embedding. The action is defined as removing an element, and the state is described by integrating the joint and element features into a comprehensive feature vector for each element. By establishing the policy network, the agent outputs the Q value for each action after observing the state. Through numerical examples, it is confirmed that the trained agent can provide an accurate estimation of the Q values, and handle problems with different action spaces owing to utilization of graph embedding. Besides, different behaviors can be learned by varying hyperparameters in the reward function. By comparing the proposed method and the conventional sensitivity index-based methods, it is demonstrated that the computational cost is considerably reduced because the reinforcement learning model is trained offline. Besides, it is proved that the Q values produced by the reinforcement learning agent can make up for the deficiencies of existing indices, and can be directly used as the quantitative index for the decision-making for determining the most expected collapse scenario, i.e., the sequence of element removals.

关键词: progressive collapse     alternate load path     demolition planning     reinforcement learning     graph embedding    

微阵列数据集的特征选择技术:综合评述、分类和未来方向 Review


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第10期   页码 1451-1478 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2100569



关键词: 特征选择;高维;学习技术;微阵列数据集    

Iterative HOEO fusion strategy: a promising tool for enhancing bearing fault feature

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第18卷 第1期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0725-z

摘要: As parameter independent yet simple techniques, the energy operator (EO) and its variants have received considerable attention in the field of bearing fault feature detection. However, the performances of these improved EO techniques are subjected to the limited number of EOs, and they cannot reflect the non-linearity of the machinery dynamic systems and affect the noise reduction. As a result, the fault-related transients strengthened by these improved EO techniques are still subject to contamination of strong noises. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel EO fusion strategy for enhancing the bearing fault feature nonlinearly and effectively. Specifically, the proposed strategy is conducted through the following three steps. First, a multi-dimensional information matrix (MDIM) is constructed by performing the higher order energy operator (HOEO) on the analysis signal iteratively. MDIM is regarded as the fusion source of the proposed strategy with the properties of improving the signal-to-interference ratio and suppressing the noise in the low-frequency region. Second, an enhanced manifold learning algorithm is performed on the normalized MDIM to extract the intrinsic manifolds correlated with the fault-related impulses. Third, the intrinsic manifolds are weighted to recover the fault-related transients. Simulation studies and experimental verifications confirm that the proposed strategy is more effective for enhancing the bearing fault feature than the existing methods, including HOEOs, the weighting HOEO fusion, the fast Kurtogram, and the empirical mode decomposition.

关键词: higher order energy operator     fault diagnosis     manifold learning     rolling element bearing     information fusion    

The Group Interaction Field for Learning and Explaining Pedestrian Anticipation

Xueyang Wang,Xuecheng Chen,Puhua Jiang,Haozhe Lin,Xiaoyun Yuan,Mengqi Ji,Yuchen Guo,Ruqi Huang,Lu Fang,

《工程(英文)》 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.05.020

摘要: Anticipating others’ actions is innate and essential in order for humans to navigate and interact well with others in dense crowds. This ability is urgently required for unmanned systems such as service robots and self-driving cars. However, existing solutions struggle to predict pedestrian anticipation accurately, because the influence of group-related social behaviors has not been well considered. While group relationships and group interactions are ubiquitous and significantly influence pedestrian anticipation, their influence is diverse and subtle, making it difficult to explicitly quantify. Here, we propose the group interaction field (GIF), a novel group-aware representation that quantifies pedestrian anticipation into a probability field of pedestrians’ future locations and attention orientations. An end-to-end neural network, GIFNet, is tailored to estimate the GIF from explicit multidimensional observations. GIFNet quantifies the influence of group behaviors by formulating a group interaction graph with propagation and graph attention that is adaptive to the group size and dynamic interaction states. The experimental results show that the GIF effectively represents the change in pedestrians’ anticipation under the prominent impact of group behaviors and accurately predicts pedestrians’ future states. Moreover, the GIF contributes to explaining various predictions of pedestrians’ behavior in different social states. The proposed GIF will eventually be able to allow unmanned systems to work in a human-like manner and comply with social norms, thereby promoting harmonious human–machine relationships.

关键词: Human behavior modeling and prediction     Implicit representation of pedestrian anticipation     Group interaction     Graph neural network    

Multiple fault separation and detection by joint subspace learning for the health assessment of wind

Zhaohui DU, Xuefeng CHEN, Han ZHANG, Yanyang ZI, Ruqiang YAN

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第12卷 第3期   页码 333-347 doi: 10.1007/s11465-017-0435-0


The gearbox of a wind turbine (WT) has dominant failure rates and highest downtime loss among all WT subsystems. Thus, gearbox health assessment for maintenance cost reduction is of paramount importance. The concurrence of multiple faults in gearbox components is a common phenomenon due to fault induction mechanism. This problem should be considered before planning to replace the components of the WT gearbox. Therefore, the key fault patterns should be reliably identified from noisy observation data for the development of an effective maintenance strategy. However, most of the existing studies focusing on multiple fault diagnosis always suffer from inappropriate division of fault information in order to satisfy various rigorous decomposition principles or statistical assumptions, such as the smooth envelope principle of ensemble empirical mode decomposition and the mutual independence assumption of independent component analysis. Thus, this paper presents a joint subspace learning-based multiple fault detection (JSL-MFD) technique to construct different subspaces adaptively for different fault patterns. Its main advantage is its capability to learn multiple fault subspaces directly from the observation signal itself. It can also sparsely concentrate the feature information into a few dominant subspace coefficients. Furthermore, it can eliminate noise by simply performing coefficient shrinkage operations. Consequently, multiple fault patterns are reliably identified by utilizing the maximum fault information criterion. The superiority of JSL-MFD in multiple fault separation and detection is comprehensively investigated and verified by the analysis of a data set of a 750 kW WT gearbox. Results show that JSL-MFD is superior to a state-of-the-art technique in detecting hidden fault patterns and enhancing detection accuracy.

关键词: joint subspace learning     multiple fault diagnosis     sparse decomposition theory     coupling feature separation     wind turbine gearbox    

Classifying multiclass relationships between ASes using graph convolutional network

《工程管理前沿(英文)》   页码 653-667 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0217-1

摘要: Precisely understanding the business relationships between autonomous systems (ASes) is essential for studying the Internet structure. To date, many inference algorithms, which mainly focus on peer-to-peer (P2P) and provider-to-customer (P2C) binary classification, have been proposed to classify the AS relationships and have achieved excellent results. However, business-based sibling relationships and structure-based exchange relationships have become an increasingly nonnegligible part of the Internet market in recent years. Existing algorithms are often difficult to infer due to the high similarity of these relationships to P2P or P2C relationships. In this study, we focus on multiclassification of AS relationship for the first time. We first summarize the differences between AS relationships under the structural and attribute features, and the reasons why multiclass relationships are difficult to be inferred. We then introduce new features and propose a graph convolutional network (GCN) framework, AS-GCN, to solve this multiclassification problem under complex scenes. The proposed framework considers the global network structure and local link features concurrently. Experiments on real Internet topological data validate the effectiveness of our method, that is, AS-GCN. The proposed method achieves comparable results on the binary classification task and outperforms a series of baselines on the more difficult multiclassification task, with an overall metrics above 95%.

关键词: autonomous system     multiclass relationship     graph convolutional network     classification algorithm     Internet topology    

一种基于特征模板和CNN-BiLSTM-CRF的网络安全实体识别方法 Research Papers

Ya QIN, Guo-wei SHEN, Wen-bo ZHAO, Yan-ping CHEN, Miao YU, Xin JIN

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第6期   页码 872-884 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800520

摘要: 利用海量网络安全威胁情报数据,构建网络安全知识图谱实施深度关联分析和挖掘,可帮助识别安全威胁并提出相应防御措施。这已成为网络安全领域研究热点。本文针对网络安全文本数据,研究实体识别算法,为构建网络安全知识图谱奠定基础。传统方法难以识别网络安全领域的新实体、中英文混合安全实体等,且提取的特征不够充分。本文在神经网络模型基础上,提出基于特征模板的CNN-BiLSTM-CRF网络安全实体识别算法。首先构建人工特征模板,提取局部上下文特征。再利用CNN提取字符特征,与局部上下文特征结合,传入BiLSTM模型提取语义特征。最后利用CRF对安全实体进行标注。结果表明,在大规模网络安全数据集上,该方法优于其它算法,F值达到86%。

关键词: 网络安全知识图谱;网络安全实体;特征模板;实体识别;神经网络    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Imbalanced fault diagnosis of rotating machinery using autoencoder-based SuperGraph feature learning


Unknown fault detection for EGT multi-temperature signals based on self-supervised feature learning and



Ya XIAO, Zhi-jie FAN, Amiya NAYAK, Cheng-xiang TAN





Dynamic simulation of gas turbines via feature similarity-based transfer learning

Dengji ZHOU, Jiarui HAO, Dawen HUANG, Xingyun JIA, Huisheng ZHANG



Guang-hui SONG,Xiao-gang JIN,Gen-lang CHEN,Yan NIE


Speech emotion recognitionwith unsupervised feature learning

Zheng-wei HUANG,Wen-tao XUE,Qi-rong MAO



Yue WU, Can WANG, Yue-qing ZHANG, Jia-jun BU


Deep reinforcement learning-based critical element identification and demolition planning of frame structures

Shaojun ZHU; Makoto OHSAKI; Kazuki HAYASHI; Shaohan ZONG; Xiaonong GUO





Iterative HOEO fusion strategy: a promising tool for enhancing bearing fault feature


The Group Interaction Field for Learning and Explaining Pedestrian Anticipation

Xueyang Wang,Xuecheng Chen,Puhua Jiang,Haozhe Lin,Xiaoyun Yuan,Mengqi Ji,Yuchen Guo,Ruqi Huang,Lu Fang,


Multiple fault separation and detection by joint subspace learning for the health assessment of wind

Zhaohui DU, Xuefeng CHEN, Han ZHANG, Yanyang ZI, Ruqiang YAN


Classifying multiclass relationships between ASes using graph convolutional network



Ya QIN, Guo-wei SHEN, Wen-bo ZHAO, Yan-ping CHEN, Miao YU, Xin JIN
